Weekly Parent Update - Friday 7th February

Our Year 5 and 6 pupils had a fantastic time on Wednesday enjoying the French play Au Musée Magique! It was a wonderful opportunity for them to experience language learning in an interactive and engaging way.
Weekly Update from Mr Burkinshaw
We have several exciting updates to share with you this week!
We are delighted to announce that work on a brand-new all-weather sports pitch will begin in the junior playground during half-term. A huge thank you to our wonderful PTA for funding this fantastic addition! Alongside our OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) plans, this means the junior playground will see some exciting changes in the coming months.
Your generosity for our first OPAL day has been brilliant—thank you for donating toy cars, dolls, and dinosaurs! Please check below for next week's requested donations. I hope your houses are now a bit more decluttered!
Next Tuesday, we will be supporting Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness with our Charity Tuesday event. Children are encouraged to bring in money to put in buckets in the morning and they will be doing an engaging activity to raise awareness of homelessness in our community. Your contributions will make a real difference.
As you may be aware, schools are facing financial challenges. Please take a moment to:
- Check on Arbor to ensure all payments and donations are up to date.
- Contribute regularly and generously to the Governors’ Fund, which supports essential resources used by children every day, such as the 1:1 Chromebooks used by our junior children. Donate here - more details below.
Our Year 5 and 6 pupils had a fantastic time on Wednesday enjoying the French play Au Musée Magique! It was a wonderful opportunity for them to experience language learning in an interactive and engaging way.
Today, school was filled with colour, creativity, and imagination as pupils took part in Art Day! From painting and collage to sculpture, every child had the opportunity to explore different artistic techniques and express themselves through their work. These fantastic creations will soon be displayed around the school, celebrating the talent of our young artists. Next week, we will announce our winner, which will be proudly exhibited at New Malden Library, showcasing the creativity of our pupils to the wider community!
Don’t forget to check out some of the highlights this week, including Art Day, on our Instagram page.
Have a good weekend.
Our School Updates for Parents
Junior Talent Show
There is still time for any junior children or their families who want to take part in our Talent Show evening on Wednesday 12th March at 6pm, which Mrs Summers is organising. We are after a wide variety of acts to have a fun evening together, and to celebrate a range of skills on display. We have not yet got sufficient acts to make this happen - but there is one more week for your child/family to submit the Google form to register your interest. Come and show off! Have a read of this letter with more details about this. The deadline for entries has been extended to Monday 24th February.
OPAL Day - Next Friday, 14th February
Next Friday, we are collecting the following items for our children to use in the playground, as they create new worlds. There will be buckets outside the front of school at drop off and, if we get over 100 items in the buckets, children will get extra play next Friday. We need:
- Clothes - adult or children
- Work uniforms - any uniforms that are used for work
- Dressing Up Clothes
- Accessories - hats, wigs, handbags etc.
Safer Internet Day - 11th February
Next Tuesday is Safer Internet Day. As a school we will be exploring the theme: Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online. Please see the attached poster for information on what parents need to know about scams and fake news.
Support Our School through the Governors' Fund
The Governors' Fund is a simple yet powerful way for parents to support the school and enrich every child's learning experience. For example, your donations help provide every Junior child with a Chromebook and allows us to access extra funding exclusive to church schools. Plus, donations can be Gift-Aided, increasing their value by 25% at no extra cost to you. While the PTA organises fundraising events and community activities, the Governors' Fund relies solely on direct donations to support essential school improvements. We’ve made donating quicker, easier, and more convenient so you just click the Donate button on the school website. We ask parents to set up a regular monthly donation to spread the cost and allow the school to plan ahead, but any contribution is greatly appreciated.
Treasurer to the Governors’ Fund Needed
The Treasurer plays a vital role in managing the Governors' Fund, ensuring financial transparency and accountability and helps ensure funds are used effectively to benefit the school and its pupils. The governors are looking to co-opt someone to the Governing Body with financial expertise or with experience managing funds in a business, charity, or voluntary organisation to this voluntary role. If this is you then please contact the clerk to the governors clerk@ccnm.uk
Recycle Your Old Printer Ink Cartridges and Help Support Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness
In addition to bringing in money on Tuesday for KCAH you can also help by recycling your old printer ink cartridges (not laser/toner cartridges) via their Recycle4Charity programme. For each ink cartridge recycled via the programme, KCAH will receive up to £2. Please put your empty inkjet cartridges in a thin plastic bag or clingfilm and drop them into the green recycling box at the junior office.
HENRY Newsletter
Please find attached the February 2025 HENRY Parent newsletter. This is promoting both the 8 week HENRY programme and a one-off workshop on Understanding Fussy Eating.
Nursery Applications
For any parents making nursery applications for September 2025, please complete this form. The closing date for applications is Friday 7th March 2025.
Wider Community Updates
Online Parent/Carer Health Advice Clinic
The Your Healthcare School Health Team offer parents/carers of children attending Kingston Primary schools, access to a Parent Advice Health Clinic once a term. Please see the attached letter with information about the clinic and how to book.
Key School Dates
- Monday 10th February - Y6 Kingston Junior Citizen 2025
- Tuesday 11th February - Charity Tuesday
- Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day
- Monday 17th - Friday 21st February - Half Term
- Tuesday 25th February - Nursery Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
- Wednesday 26th February - Nursery & Reception - Mobile Farm Visit (am) (new)
- Thursday 27th February - Eagle Class trip to Wimbledon Synagogue (am)
- Thursday 27th February - Hedgehog Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Monday 3rd March - Y1 Zoolab Visit (pm)
- Wednesday 5th March - Y1 Insight Visit
- Thursday 6th March - World Book Day - Special Lunch Menu
- Thursday 6th March - Tiger Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Thursday 6th March - Parrot Street Pop Up at the Juniors @ 3:00 – 3:45pm
- Friday 7th March - SEND Parent Appointments @ 1:00 - 5:00pm
- Tuesday 11th March - Year 3&4 Soloists Concert @ 9:00am
- Wednesday 12th March - Junior Talent Show @ 6:00 - 7:30pm
- Thursday 13th March - Macaw Class Trip to Wimbledon Synagogue (am)
- Thursday 13th March - Fox Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Monday 17th - Friday 21st March - Wellbeing Week
- Monday 17th - Friday 28th March - Y5 Bikeability
- Wednesday 19th March - Ross Montgomery Author Visit (pm)
- Thursday 20th March - Y4 Insight Visit (pm)
- Thursday 20th March - Owl Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Friday 21st March - Reception Trip to Polka Theatre (am)
- Monday 24th - Friday 28th March - Chums Week
- Tuesday 25th March - Charity Tuesday
- Tuesday 25th March - Y6 National Child Measurement Programme (am)
- Wednesday 26th March - Y5 Easter Experience at The Baptist Church (am)
- Thursday 27th March - Learning Look - from pick up until 4:30pm
- Thursday 27th March - Lion Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Friday 28th March - PTA Break the Rules Day
- Tuesday 1st April - Cluster Choir Concert at Rose Theatre (pm)
- Wednesday 2nd April - Easter Bonnet Parade at Infants
- Thursday 3rd April - Y3 Trip to Butser Farm
- Friday 4th April - Easter Church Service @ 9:30am
- Friday 4th April - Term finishes early at 1.05pm (infants) and 1.20pm (juniors). Connect will finish at 5:15pm
- Monday 7th - Monday 21st April - Easter Holiday
- Tuesday 22nd April - Summer Term Starts
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