Weekly Parent Update - Friday 14th February
Our Year 6s were out and about on Monday at ‘Junior Citizen’, learning about many aspects of keeping themselves and their peers safe.
Weekly Update from Mr Meehan
This week, we held our first ‘Charity Tuesday’ of the year, supporting local charity Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness. Adding to our fundraising before Christmas, we have now raised £287.58 for KCAH. Thank you for your generosity; we will pass this money we have raised to Georgie Foreshaw, who works for KCAH and spoke to the children last week in collective worship.
Our Year 6s were out and about on Monday at ‘Junior Citizen’, despite train delays in getting there! They learnt about many aspects of keeping themselves and their peers safe and had a great day.
This morning, our reception children have taken a trip to Kingston to see The Koala Who Could at The Rose Theatre, and will no doubt get some inspiration for when they perform their own class worships next term in front of their parents.
As mentioned last week, we are looking forward to work beginning on our new pitch on the junior playground, which is very exciting. It is only because of all the PTA’s hard work and your generous donations that have enabled this to happen, so thank you to everyone who has worked on this and donated. The PTA are continuing with all their fund-raising, and you’ll see a quiz night is planned for next month!
I do hope you have a wonderful half term week, and have some good times with your children, whether you are home or away.
Our School Updates for Parents
Junior Talent Show - Last push!
There is still time for any junior children or their families who want to take part in our Talent Show evening on Wednesday 12th March at 6pm, which Mrs Summers is organising. We are after a wide variety of acts to have a fun evening together, and to celebrate a range of skills on display. We have not yet got sufficient acts to make this happen - but there is one more week for your child/family to submit the Google form to register your interest. Come and show off! A letter has been sent via email with more details about this. The deadline for entries has been extended to Monday 24th February.
Pray for our School
Our next opportunity together to pray for our school community is Wednesday 5th March at 6pm on the junior site (just come to the school office). This short prayer meeting (about 45 minutes) is open to any staff, parents, governors or friends of the school from church. Join us if you can!
Author Visit - Ross Montgomery
Bestselling author, Ross Montgomery, will be coming to Christ Church on Wednesday 19th March, speaking to all the children. He will be signing his books, which you can buy, with a 10% discount, from Parrot Street. The deadline for ordering is the 10th March and 20% of all sales will go to the school.
Children in Year 1 to Year 6 are expected to bring in a pencil case with the stationery they need for school. Your child will be bringing home their pencil case today; please see the email from your child’s class teacher with more information about what you need to do.
PTA Quiz
The much awaited PTA Quiz night is taking place on Friday 7th March (flyer attached). Please bring your friends and family and join us for a fun event where there will be other spot games to get involved with, drinks and nibbles to indulge in and adult company to enjoy! Main details are below:
- Over 18s only
- Team sizes 5/6 (no more than 10 can fit a table)
- Doors open 7:30pm, quiz starts at 8:00pm, hall closes 11:00pm.
- Nibbles included on the table
- Bar will be available for drinks
- Tickets £10/person - available through Arbor by going to School Shop, then products.
Nursery Applications
For any parents making nursery applications for September 2025, please complete this form. The closing date for early applications is Friday 7th March 2025.
Support Our School through the Governors' Fund
The Governors' Fund is a simple yet powerful way for parents to support the school and enrich every child's learning experience. For example, your donations help provide every Junior child with a Chromebook and allows us to access extra funding exclusive to church schools. Plus, donations can be Gift-Aided, increasing their value by 25% at no extra cost to you. While the PTA organises fundraising events and community activities, the Governors' Fund relies solely on direct donations to support essential school improvements. We’ve made donating quicker, easier, and more convenient so you just click the Donate button on the school website. We ask parents to set up a regular monthly donation to spread the cost and allow the school to plan ahead, but any contribution is greatly appreciated.
Treasurer to the Governors’ Fund Needed
The Treasurer plays a vital role in managing the Governors' Fund, ensuring financial transparency and accountability and helps ensure funds are used effectively to benefit the school and its pupils. The governors are looking to co-opt someone to the Governing Body with financial expertise or with experience managing funds in a business, charity, or voluntary organisation to this voluntary role. If this is you then please contact the clerk to the governors clerk@ccnm.uk
Wider Community Updates
Family Friendly Music Event by KMS at the Rose Theatre
On Sunday 23rd March at 11am-12pm Kingston Music Service is organising ‘Strings Spectacular: A Family-Friendly Musical Journey’ at the Rose Theatre. A concert designed to enchant families and ignite the imaginations of music lovers of all ages. Celebrate the magic of string instruments with a programme that blends timeless classics with modern favourites. See the Rose Theatre website for more information and to book.
Swimming Crash Course
Higgins Aquatics will be running a Swimming Crash Course this February half term, at Grand Avenue Primary School for Children aged 4 - 12 years of age. If you would like your child/children to have extra swimming over the February Half Term, please see the attached flyer for details.
BREAD Lab Newsletter and Paid Research Opportunity
BREAD Lab, the Brain Resilience, Exercise, and Development Lab at Kingston University, are excited to share their January Newsletter with you. This edition is packed with fascinating insights about ADHD, updates on their NEAR-KIDS study, and an exciting podcast feature! They have also asked that we share with you an upcoming paid research opportunity during half term. Their Physical Activity and Impulsivity Study (Part of NEAR-KIDS research) is currently recruiting children ages 7-11, with or without ADHD, to help scientists learn more about the developing brain. Please see the attached poster with more information and how to sign up.
Key School Dates
- Monday 17th - Friday 21st February - Half Term
- Tuesday 25th February - Nursery Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
- Wednesday 26th February - Nursery & Reception - Mobile Farm Visit (am)
- Thursday 27th February - Eagle Class trip to Wimbledon Synagogue (am)
- Thursday 27th February - Hedgehog Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Monday 3rd March - Y1 Zoolab Visit (pm)
- Monday 3rd March - Y5 Science Show at Surbiton Assembly Rooms (new)
- Monday 3rd March - Rearranged Hedgehog Class Parents’ Evening @ 3:45 - 6:45pm (new)
- Tuesday 4th March - Rearranged Hedgehog Class Parents’ Evening @ 2:45 - 5:45pm (new)
- Wednesday 5th March - Y1 Insight Visit
- Thursday 6th March - World Book Day - Special Lunch Menu
- Thursday 6th March - Tiger Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Thursday 6th March - Parrot Street Pop Up at the Juniors @ 3:00 – 3:45pm
- Friday 7th March - SEND Parent Appointments @ 1:00 - 5:00pm
- Monday 10th - Friday 14th March - Science Week (new)
- Tuesday 11th March - Year 3&4 Soloists Concert @ 9:00am
- Wednesday 12th March - Junior Talent Show @ 6:00 - 7:30pm
- Thursday 13th March - Macaw Class Trip to Wimbledon Synagogue (am)
- Thursday 13th March - Fox Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Monday 17th - Friday 21st March - Wellbeing Week
- Monday 17th - Friday 28th March - Y5 Bikeability
- Wednesday 19th March - Ross Montgomery Author Visit (pm)
- Thursday 20th March - Y4 Insight Visit (pm)
- Thursday 20th March - Owl Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Friday 21st March - Reception Trip to Polka Theatre (am)
- Monday 24th - Friday 28th March - Chums Week
- Tuesday 25th March - Charity Tuesday
- Tuesday 25th March - Y6 National Child Measurement Programme (am)
- Wednesday 26th March - Y5 Easter Experience at The Baptist Church (am)
- Thursday 27th March - Learning Look - from pick up until 4:30pm
- Thursday 27th March - Lion Class Worship @ 2:40pm
- Friday 28th March - PTA Break the Rules Day
- Tuesday 1st April - Cluster Choir Concert at Rose Theatre (pm)
- Wednesday 2nd April - Easter Bonnet Parade at Infants
- Thursday 3rd April - Y3 Trip to Butser Farm
- Friday 4th April - Easter Church Service @ 9:30am
- Friday 4th April - Term finishes early at 1.05pm (infants) and 1.20pm (juniors). Connect will finish at 5:15pm
- Monday 7th - Monday 21st April - Easter Holiday
- Tuesday 22nd April - Summer Term Starts