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Weekly Parent Update - Friday 11th October

On Tuesday morning, children in Y3 and Y4 took part in drumming workshops. It was wonderful to see how the children all played their different drums, producing such a wonderful rhythmic and dramatic sound.

Weekly Update from Mr Burkinshaw

This year, one of our most exciting changes will be to our playtimes. We are working with OPAL to radically transform the opportunities children have to play at break and lunchtimes and, this week, there are three ways you can help:

  • Please complete the survey sent via email about play - if 60% of parents respond, the children will be rewarded with extra play on the last day of this half-term! 
  • Could you help us with any part of preparing and painting an external wall at the juniors and building an outdoor stage for children to play and perform on. If so, please email the school office
  • Do you have any clothes that children could use for dressing up? These can be everyday clothes or dressing up clothes. If so, please hand them in at either office. 

It has been a full week at school, amongst all the learning in the classroom, we have had workshops, trips and sporting success! On Tuesday morning, children in Y3 and Y4 took part in drumming workshops. It was wonderful to see how the children all played their different drums, producing such a wonderful rhythmic and dramatic sound. Passers by were probably wondering why Elm Road was vibrating!  

On Wednesday, our Y4 boys’ football team were crowned champions of Kingston (for the second year in a row) after a nail biting final match. You can see photos and videos of that, and more, on our Instagram feed.  

Yesterday, our Year 2s were at the Science Museum exploring human spaceflight and careers in the space industry. They learnt about different aspects of living and working in space and used their scientific skills to design a space suit with the right materials, tested a space toilet (avoiding the flying poo!) and completed a safe landing. Dreams of becoming an astronaut suddenly became a little closer!

Today, the children have thoroughly enjoyed breaking the rules and raising money for the school. It has been wonderful to see the children join in, whether it was wearing silly socks, wild hair styles or bringing a cuddly toy. Thanks to our brilliant PTA for organising it. 

Thank you to all the parents who responded to our nursery survey last week. As promised, we have randomly picked one of those 85 parents and they have won a £25 John Lewis voucher. Congratulations to Chris Christofi, who is the lucky winner! We have found the information shared in the survey very useful as we consider how to improve our nursery offer. 

Have a good weekend, and let’s hope it’s drier than this wet week has been! 

Our School Updates for Parents

Prayer Meeting for the school

At Christ Church, we have a termly opportunity to get together to pray for our school, and invite staff, parents, governors and members of Christ Church and St John’s congregations. Our next meeting is coming up on Wednesday 16th October at 6pm in the Creative Space on our junior site. Please come and join us if you can (you don’t have to pray out loud!).

Secondary School Application Deadline

A reminder to Year 6 parents/carers that the deadline for secondary school applications is Thursday, 31st October.  Please complete the online application if you haven't already done so at eAdmissions.

Healthy Lunchboxes School meals are a great choice, but if you make a packed lunch for your child, the following from the NHS has some quick, easy, healthier lunchbox ideas and tips. But please no nuts or items that may contain them as we have members of our community for whom exposure to them can be life threatening.

Wider Community Updates

Free 7 day class pass at Berrylands Boot Camp 

We have been asked to promote a free 7 day class pass at Berrylands Boot Camp to give people an opportunity to try out what they do for free and hopefully help to kickstart a routine of regular exercise. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Key School Dates 

  • Monday 14th - Friday 18th October - Chums Week
  • Tuesday 15th October - Nursery Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
  • Tuesday 15th October - Y6 Trip to Tate Britain and Churchill War Rooms 
  • Thursday 17th October - Y1 Trip to the Natural History Museum 
  • Friday 18th October - SEN Parents’ Evening @ 8:45 a.m. - 2:05 p.m. 
  • Monday 21st October - Nursery Parents’ Evening @ 3.45 p.m. - 6.45 p.m. 
  • Wednesday 23rd October - Y2 Diwali Workshop (new)
  • Wednesday 23rd October - Parents’ Evening (Reception - Y6) @ 3:45-6:45pm
  • Thursday 24th October - Parents’ Evening (Reception - Y6) @ 2:45-5:45pm
  • Thursday 24th October - Y6 Trip to the Buddhapadipa Temple (am)
  • Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November - Half Term
  • Wednesday 6th November - Y5 Trip to Hampton Court Palace (new)
  • Thursday 7th November - Leopard Class Worship @ 2:40pm
  • Monday 11th - Friday 15th November - Anti-Bullying Week
  • Tuesday 12th November - Nursery Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
  • Wednesday 13th November - Reception to Y6 Individual & Sibling Photographs
  • Friday 15th November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
  • Monday 18th - Friday 22nd November - Y4 Learn to Ride Bikeability
  • Monday 18th November - Nasal Flu Immunisations
  • Wednesday 19th - Thursday 20th November - Y5 Junior Roadwatch (rearranged date)
  • Wednesday 20th November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
  • Thursday 21st November - Learning Look @ 3:30-4:30pm 
  • Thursday 28th November - Antelope Class Worship @ 2:40pm
  • Saturday 30th November - Christmas Fair
  • Monday 9th - Friday 13th December - Chums Week
  • Tuesday 10th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 4:00pm
  • Wednesday 11th December - Christmas Lunch
  • Wednesday 11th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 6:00pm
  • Thursday 12th December - Nursery & Reception Joint Nativity @ 9:00am
  • Thursday 19th December - Church Service @ 9:30am
  • Thursday 19th December - Term finishes early at 1.05pm (infants) and 1.20pm (juniors). Connect will finish at 5:15pm
  • Friday 20th December - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
  • Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January - Christmas Holidays
  • Monday 6th January - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
  • Tuesday 7th January - Spring Term starts