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Weekly Parent Update - Friday 7th March

Year 1 children enjoyed their Zoolab visit on Monday where they met some of the smaller creatures found in the African Savanna, including a corn snake, tarantula and giant millipede.

Weekly Update from Mr Meehan

What a beautiful week of Spring sunshine we have had, just the right week for us to be out enjoying it. Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen our new junior pitch take shape, and it was a delight this morning to officially ‘open’ it, and, together with all our other OPAL developments, this is a very exciting time for our playground and play activities. My thanks again to everyone’s efforts in making this all happen, not least of all the money raised by the PTA for our new playground surface. 

Over the week, there has been a lot going on inside and beyond the school as well. Our Year 5s were out and about on Monday at Surbiton High School, enjoying an interactive science show and on the same day our Year 1 children enjoyed their Zoolab visit. Well done to Tiger class on presenting their ‘World Book Day’ themed class worship. It was so lovely to see some good costumes and book sharing going on in our celebration of reading yesterday. Some of our Year 2 boys also represented our school at the football festival at Richmond & Kew FC on Wednesday, and we gave them a big clap and their certificates in collective worship yesterday.

Tonight, the PTA are running a quiz night for parents, so I hope you’ve got your team ready! Next Friday, we are hosting, at the junior site, the second of our ‘tea and cake’ events, aimed at our parents of children with SEN. Both Mrs Roberts and Mrs Roe will be there, and we’d love for you to join us.

In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend, and all the continued beautiful weather.

Our School Updates for Parents


Thanks for all your donations so far - the children are loving the small world. Next week, we are introducing more wheels into the playground. We do need more items:

  • Planks of wood
  • Tarpaulins
  • Rope
  • Plastic shopping/milk crates
  • A double decker bus - if you have one hanging around! 

If your employer is seeking to dispose of anything that you think we could use, please let Mr Burkinshaw know. We can collect. 

Lunch Menu

Please see the lunch menu attached for the Summer term.

Reminder: PTA Quiz

The much awaited PTA Quiz night is taking place this evening, Friday 7th March (flyer attached). Please bring your friends and family and join us for a fun event where there will be other spot games to get involved with, drinks and nibbles to indulge in and adult company to enjoy! Main details are below:

  • Over 18s only
  • Team sizes 5/6 (no more than 10 can fit a table)
  • Doors open 7:30pm, quiz starts at 8:00pm, hall closes 11:00pm.
  • Nibbles included on the table
  • Bar will be available for drinks
  • Tickets £10/person - available through Arbor by going to School Shop, then products.

Nursery Applications

For any parents making nursery applications for September 2025, please complete this form. The closing date for early applications is today, Friday 7th March 2025.

Wider Community Updates

Transition to Secondary School - Workshops

Richmond and Kingston SENDIASS are hosting THREE identical online workshops for families of current Year 5/6 students on SEN Support (This session is for those without an EHCP): 

 Workshop Dates:

  • Wednesday 19 March 12:00-13:00
  • Friday 21 March 12:00-13:00
  • Thursday 27 March 13:30-14:30

What they’ll discuss:

  • What does a good transition process look like
  • How to effectively share information with the new school
  • What can you do if you are concerned with the placement offer
  • Where can you go for more information and guidance during the transition period

Location: Online via Microsoft Teams No booking required - Join here.

Choose the date that works best for you! Their Support Worker will be available to answer your questions and provide guidance. Please also view their poster.

RP Tigers FC - Squad Trials

Please see the attached flyer for details.

BREAD Lab Newsletter & Research Opportunity

BREAD Lab have asked us to share their February Newsletter with you which covers their latest research updates, exciting participation opportunities, and insights into eating behaviours. Their NEAR-Kids study is making great progress, and they are still recruiting children aged 7–11 to explore how physical activity influences behaviour, brain function, and fitness. Please find attached poster with more information and how to enrol in this study. 

Next Thing Education - Easter Tech Camp

Easter Half Term Tech Camp is back at Christ Church New Malden Junior site from 14th – 17th April 2025, 9 am – 4 pm daily! This Easter, their themes include:

  • Bot Builders & Coders – Bring robots to life using coding and programming! Navigate challenges, build games, and explore automation. This is a great activity to help develop problem-solving skills.
  • Ingenious Inventors – Create and take-home cool circuits like buggies, alarms, and light sensors.
  • Creative Tech – Dive into digital art, VR, rocket propulsion, and even wearable tech! A fun-fuelled tech day awaits.
  • Media Madness – Unleash creativity through music production, film creation, and DJ mixing.

With the world becoming more digital, this is the perfect opportunity to develop STEM skills, boost creativity, and have loads of fun! Their camps are for ages 5-11 only, for more information please see their attached flyer or visit their website. Pricing: £144 for 4 days! HAF places available! Go live date will be 7th March.

Colin Bull Swimming Lessons

Colin Bull Swimming holds classes and private lessons for all ages and abilities at both Downsend School and Epsom College in Surrey. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Key School Dates

  • Monday 10th - Friday 14th March - Science Week
  • Tuesday 11th March - Year 3&4 Soloists Concert @ 9:00am 
  • Wednesday 12th March - Junior Talent Show @ 6:00 - 7:30pm 
  • Thursday 13th March - Macaw Class Trip to Wimbledon Synagogue (am)
  • Thursday 13th March - Fox Class Worship @ 2:40pm 
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st March - Wellbeing Week
  • Monday 17th - Friday 28th March - Y5 Bikeability
  • Wednesday 19th March - Ross Montgomery Author Visit (pm)
  • Thursday 20th March - Y4 Insight Visit (pm)
  • Thursday 20th March - Owl Class Worship @ 2:40pm
  • Friday 21st March - Reception Trip to Polka Theatre (am)
  • Monday 24th - Friday 28th March - Chums Week
  • Tuesday 25th March - Charity Tuesday
  • Tuesday 25th March - Y6 National Child Measurement Programme (am)
  • Wednesday 26th March - Y5 Easter Experience at The Baptist Church (am)
  • Thursday 27th March - Learning Look - from pick up until 4:30pm 
  • Thursday 27th March - Lion Class Worship @ 2:40pm
  • Friday 28th March - PTA Break the Rules Day
  • Tuesday 1st April - Y5/6 Cluster Choir Concert at Rose Theatre (pm)
  • Wednesday 2nd April - Easter Bonnet Parade at Infants
  • Thursday 3rd April - Y3 Trip to Butser Farm
  • Friday 4th April - Easter Church Service @ 9:30am
  • Friday 4th April - Term finishes early at 1.05pm (infants) and 1.20pm (juniors). Connect will finish at 5:15pm
  • Monday 7th - Monday 21st April - Easter Holiday
  • Tuesday 22nd April - Summer Term Starts