Weekly Update - Friday 31st March
Year 3 enjoyed a day out at Butser Ancient Farm on Tuesday and, despite the weather, had a great time learning about both the Stone Age and the Iron Age.
Weekly Update from Mr Meehan
As our Spring term draws to a close, I’d like to express all my thanks to all who dedicate themselves to ensuring that our children at Christ Church continue to thrive. Everybody plays their part in so many different ways - not least of all, our parent community! It was lovely to see so many parents join us for our ‘learning look’ this week – your support and input in the children’s learning and partnership with us is the key to happiness and success for them at school. I know our children were very much looking forward to showing off all their great learning, and this has also been a ‘bumper week’ for gold headteacher stickers; I also have had the privilege of seeing so much great work from across the school this week.
There have been many highlights in this last week of term, including awarding our latest ‘excellence winners’ in worship on Monday and Tuesday. Easter was really brought to my life when our Year 5s visited the ‘Easter Experience’ at New Malden Baptist Church, and it was a pleasure to accompany the Year 5 children to this event. Our Year 5 also led us beautifully in this morning’s Easter service at Christ Church, which was a lovely event for the whole school community, and was a wonderful celebration of the Easter message.
In reception and nursery, our children said goodbye this week to our hatching ducklings, as they spread their wings for pastures new, back on the farm. Continuing the animal theme, our Year 3s enjoyed a day out at Butser Farm on Tuesday and, despite the weather, enjoyed getting out and about.
A highlight of the week of course was the Easter bonnet parade, with such variety and colour on display. All our infant children, including our nursery children, had their time to shine in parading around the hall. Thank you to our governors Mrs Edwards and Mrs Caldwell, who also came to join in the fun as well, though it was Mrs Allum who stole the show with the most interesting headwear worn by an adult!
Do have a look at our March Newsletter, which gives a flavour of all that has been going on at school in these recent weeks.
Over this whole half term, our iShare theme has been ‘Amazing Grace’ and the children have blown me away with the quality of their singing of the famous hymn of the same name. My prayer is that all our Christ Church families will have a very happy Easter time. We look forward to seeing the children back in the summer term, in which there are many more learning and curriculum events to look forward to.
May God bless you and your family over this Easter and Spring break.
Our School Updates for Parents
STEM Lunch and Learn - Volunteers Needed
We're hosting a series of STEM Lunch and Learn events where parents with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) expertise share their experiences with the children. If you work or volunteer in a relevant sector we would love to hear from you. Please email the school office with your name, role/profession and they will contact you with more information. Do also pass this invitation to anyone you know who might be able to help. Help inspire our future innovators!
Clubs next term
Many of the clubs on offer next term have places still available. The following clubs are however full already:
- Year 5 and 6 Netball
- Year 1 Drama
Do take a look at the timetable on our website for details of all the clubs available.
School Trips and Visits - have you contributed?
We have a had a wonderful array of trips, visits and workshops this year: Dino Dome, Space Dome, Drumming Workshop, Hampton Court, Greek Workshop, Sealife Centre, Roman Workshop, Great Fire of London Workshop, Viking Workshop, Polka Theatre, Zoolab, Kew Gardens, Ducklings, Butser Ancient Farm. If you have already made a contribution towards these thank you, if not please go to the shop in the Parentmail App or login to ParentMail go to the shop and select the item to be paid.
Changes to ParentMail
During March and April 2023, ParentMail are rolling out a change to their payment provider for credit and debit card payments from Pay360 to Barclays. You may notice a change to the checkout page where you'll be asked to enter card details. For security reasons YOUR SAVED CARDS WILL BE REMOVED and when making a payment after your switchover date, you must enter your card details and can save them again for future use. NOTE: PayCash transactions will be unavailable from the 1st May 2023.
ParentMail are changing their log in arrangements to make it even more secure in a move to change all parent and carer accounts to IRIS Identity. When your account has been updated, you’ll be asked to create a new password to confirm set up of your IRIS Identity account when you next log in.
Reminder: Early Finish Today
Please remember school will close early today, at the following times:
- Infants & Nursery @ 1:15pm
- Juniors @ 1:30pm
- Connect will start at 1:15 p.m. and run until 5:15 p.m.
If you are over 15 minutes late picking up your child they will be taken to Connect and you will be charged.
Free Hot Meals for Junior Pupils Consultation
The Mayor of London has announced that junior school aged children in London will receive a free school meal for one year - not just infant children. No details of how much money schools will receive has been published yet. If significant numbers take up the offer we may have to fund the expansion of the capacity of our current kitchen. So, we are trying to establish the likely take up. Please could you help us by completing the survey sent via ParentMail as soon as possible.
PTA Easter Egg Trail
Thank you to everyone who helped, had a clue, baked cakes and took part in the Easter Egg Trail last weekend. We raised £600 for the school!
Wider Community Updates
Please see below for information about the Easter Services coming up at Christ Church and St John's:
Christ Church New Malden (91 Coombe Road, KT3 4RE)
- Palm Sunday, 2nd April: Easter Costume and Praise Service - Join us at 9:30am for an interactive retelling of the Easter story! People of all ages are invited to come in costume and take part as we begin our Easter celebrations.
- Good Friday, 7th April - Join us for a half hour, all age service at 9:30am.
- Easter Day, 9th April - Join us for an all age Easter Celebration service at 10am, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt in the garden.
St John's New Malden Easter Services (Kingston Road, KT3 3RX)
- Palm Sunday, 2nd April: The Coming King
- Good Friday, 7th April: A Path to the Cross - A reflective journey through a labyrinth. Drop in any time between 2-4pm.
- Easter Day, 9th April: The Awesome Easter Surprise! - A service suitable for all ages.
Public Consultation for a New CofE Secondary School
There are plans to build a new Secondary School for Kingston and the project team are seeking community feedback on the proposals and would like to invite local people to a public exhibition. Please see the attached poster for details.
Key School Dates - Spring 2023
- Friday 31st March - Term finishes at 1.15pm (infants) and 1.30pm (juniors)
Key School Dates - Summer 2023
- Tuesday 25th April - Y3 Trip to Natural History Museum
- Wednesday 26th April - Y4 Trip to All Saints Church, Kingston
- Thursday 27th April - Y2 Trip to Wisley
- Thursday 27th April - Squirrel Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday
- Tuesday 2nd May - Y4 Trip to Natural History Museum
- Friday 5th May - PTA - A Royal Knees Up Dress Up Day
- Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday for King’s Coronation
- Saturday 13th May - Junior Choir at Wimbledon Singfest
- Tuesday 16th May - Reception - National Child Measurement Programme
- Wednesday 17th May - Whole School Class Photographs
- Thursday 18th May - Eagle Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Thursday 18th May - Y5 & 6 Online & Personal Safety talks by Met Police
- Friday 19th May - Reception & Y1 Peter Pan Workshop
- Monday 22nd - Friday 26th May - Chums Week
- Monday 22nd May - Y3 Visit to Central Gurdwara
- Friday 26th May - Y1 Trip to Painshill Park
- Monday 29th May - Friday 2nd June - Half Term
- Thursday 8th June - Turtle Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Saturday 10th June - PTA Summer Fair
- Monday 12th - Friday 16th June - Y6 Trip to Westbrook, Isle of Wight
- Wednesday 21st June - Y2, Y5 & Y6 Choir - KMS Primary Singing Festival @ Rose Theatre
- Thursday 22nd June - Y6 Trip to Kew Gardens
- Friday 23rd June - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
- Monday 26th - Friday 30th June - Wellbeing Week
- Wednesday 28th June - Year 3 - Hogsmill River Walks
- Thursday 29th June - Seahorse Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Friday 30th June - Infant Sports Day
- Tuesday 4th July - Country Dancing Festival at Kingsmeadow
- Wednesday 5th July - Y6 Visit New School Day
- Thursday 6th July - Y6 Trip to Polka Theatre
- Friday 7th July - Junior Sports Day
- Monday 10th - Friday 14th July - Chums Week
- Tuesday 11th July - Nursery & Reception - Teddy Bears Picnic Show
- Wednesday 12th July - Y6 Trip to Houses of Parliament
- Friday 14th July - Y6 Trip to Houses of Parliament
- Friday 21st July - Term finishes at 1.15pm (infants) and 1.30pm (juniors)